8-Week Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L) Course

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT- L), evolving out of MBCT, draws on the science of Positive Psychology and extensive research on Gratitude and Appreciation to move towards flourishing in mental health. Designed for the general population, it is where the ancient wisdom of mindfulness meets modern day psychology. Developed by the University of Oxford Centre for Mindfulness.

Is This Course Right for Me?

Mental health is a fundamental human right. The course aims to move you towards flourishing, increased mental health and resilience. You will gain a new perspective, develop skills to flourish even in the most difficult circumstances. Cultivating a mind that is resilient and learning to focus on the breath to calm the nervous system. 

MBCT -L Two Intentions

Images courtesy of www.oxfordmindfulness.org

How is the Course Run?

We meet weekly over a series of 8 sessions with between 6 – 15 people within the group. It is a complete course and not designed as a drop in. The course is delivered online via Zoom. Each session is 1hour 45 minutes. No experience is necessary, meditation and cognitive behavioural exercises are fundamental parts.

Two Intentions

Important: This course is not a form of group counselling or therapy, either formal or informal. It will not, therefore, be suitable for anyone suffering from severe clinical depression or other severe clinical mental health problems. Other therapy avenues would be more suited and helpful.

Themes of the 8-Week Course:

  • Session 1 – Waking Up from Automatic Pilot
  • Session 2 – Another way of Being
  • Session 3 – Gathering the Scattered Mind
  • Session 4 – Recognizing Reactivity
  • Session 5 – Allowing and Letting Be
  • Session 6 – Responding Skilfully
  • Session 7 – How Can I Best Take Care of Myself?
  • Session 8 – Mindfulness for Life

Lifelong Benefits:

  • Broadening and building our positive emotions.
  • Skills to cultivate total wellbeing.
  • Befriending, compassion, appreciative joy.
  • Living life well, with gratitude.
  • Taking a daily breathing space and being more present.
  • Shift from self-criticism to self-compassion.
  • Move from reacting to responding skilfully.
  • Resilience and inner strength.

I found the course life changing. It has enabled me to appreciate the smallest of things in my life that I may have taken for granted before and enabled me to live in the moment. I am not dwelling on the past or planning for the future. Jakki has a wonderful calm presence and delivers the course with compassion and consideration. I would recommend mindfulness to anyone.



What Does it Involve?

A significant level of commitment is required as most learning will take place in the home practice. You will be invited to develop a daily mindfulness meditation practice for 30 minutes per day and fulfil other brief exercises during the week to support your learning. Mindfulness is a practice, creating time to cultivate and build your practice into your daily routine is crucial for your flourishing and growth.

Course Materials

Guided meditations are provided for your home practice which can be downloaded and played on your smartphone or stored on your laptop. The practices are delivered by Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. All course materials will be emailed to you in a link, prior to the course starting.

What is the Cost?

The course costs £160. This includes all course materials, guided mediations to keep for life and continuous teacher support.

When is the Next Course?

Tuesday 14th January 2025 – Tuesday 4th March. 5.30pm – 7.15pm.

If you have any questions about the course or would like to reserve a place, please get in touch.